FoMC Covid 19 update

Covid19 NZ

14 May 2020

To: All members, New Zealand Federation of Motoring Clubs (FoMC)

From: Harry Duynhoven, President

Greetings to all club members

We should all be so proud of ourselves for reaching this current milestone. If we all play by the rules hopefully sooner than later there will be events and gatherings once again. I trust that you are all looking forward to life transiting through COVID-19 Alert Level 2, with Level 1 coming as soon as possible.

As the Prime Minister said on Monday, it is up to each and every one of us to behave responsibly and look after each other. Thank you to those who have kept in touch with older members of your club, or those living alone. We hope that lockdown allowed some of you the opportunity to make some positive progress on some of your vehicle tasks.


Check out the COVID-19 website for guidance on gatherings at Alert Level 2:

Committee meetings

Our advice is to strictly limit numbers and observe all personal distancing and sanitising requirements. Remember that those over 70 years, and those with pre-existing conditions or who are immunity- compromised are particularly vulnerable and should take part by virtual means; teleconference, zoom, skype, telephone, etc., if that is feasible. Be particularly cautious – act like either you or your friend has COVID-19 and hasn’t yet been diagnosed. As has been said many times, we will only continue to beat this if we thoroughly break the chain of infection.

Useful resources such as posters for entrance ways, seating and conveniences at meetings can be found at:

Support local businesses

Support local businesses. They have had it very tough through the COVID-19 restrictions and many will need your custom to survive. Remember a local supplier is an asset to your community and provides local jobs.


In Alert Level 2, we now have the ability to go further from home, enjoy travelling around New Zealand, take the opportunity to see some more of our scenic locations. If you’re travelling across Cook Strait, remember that Tony Hirst offers really good deals to members of FoMC clubs when they’re travelling

in their Historic, Classic or Special Interest vehicles.

Book at

or Email or phone him on 021 726 711 Make sure you advise the club you belong to when booking.

Remember to show courtesy by letting following traffic through if you’re out and about in slower

vehicles or simply enjoy travelling at a more sedate pace. Your gesture is generally appreciated.

 Exemption for expired WoF and ‘Rego’

In my last update, I told you about the government’s 6-month extension for vehicles that have an expired WoF, CoF or ‘Rego’ due to the lockdown. Similarly, there is a 6-month extension for anyone whose driver’s licence or endorsement has expired.

Just a reminder that your vehicle must be in roadworthy condition, so please use it responsibly and get it reissued with a “rego” and WoF as soon as you are able to.

A nationwide “Victory over COVID-19” (VOC) celebration day for vehicle enthusiasts

The FoMC proposes a nationwide celebration day for all its member clubs and motoring friends, where our special interest vehicles can “return to the road” as a sign of progress toward enjoying and appreciating our normal freedoms.

We hope that motoring enthusiasts in each area will join together on a given weekend to make this national event memorable.

More details will follow in our next update, when hopefully our cooperation with the current rules will enable a well-deserved transition to Alert Level 1.

The next FoMC update will be in about 2 weeks, when we expect the government to make further announcements on gatherings and the relaxation of rules around club events, etc.

In closing, I remind you that the FoMC AGM which was scheduled for this Sunday, 17 May, has been postponed. We will advise a new date as soon as we are in a position to do so. It will still be held at the Wellington VCC Clubrooms in Petone.

Look out also for our next edition of the FoMC Wheel Torque newsletter.

In the meantime, drive (or ride) your Historic, Classic or Special Interest vehicle safely, enjoy the country and take care of yourselves.

Kind regards,

Harry Duynhoven FOMC Logo

Harry Duynhoven President, FoMC

Last Updated June, 2020